

Namespace: FluentRegex

Represents a character class in a regular expression pattern.

public enum CharacterClass

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumCharacterClass
Implements IComparable, ISpanFormattable, IFormattable, IConvertible


A character class is a set of characters that can be used to match a single character.


Name Value Description
AnyCharacter 0 Represents the any character class in a regular expression pattern.
Digit 1 Represents a digit character class in a regular expression pattern.
EndOfLine 2 Represents the end of a line character class in a regular expression pattern.
EndOfString 3 Represents the end of a string character class in a regular expression pattern.
EndOfStringNoLineBreak 4 Represents the end of a string without a line break character class in a regular expression pattern.
HexDigit 5 Represents a hexadecimal digit character class in a regular expression pattern.
LowercaseLetter 6 Represents a lowercase letter character class in a regular expression pattern.
Newline 7 Represents a newline character class in a regular expression pattern.
NonDigit 8 Represents a non-digit character class in a regular expression pattern.
NonHexDigit 9 Represents a non-hexadecimal digit character class in a regular expression pattern.
NonWhitespace 10 Represents a non-whitespace character class in a regular expression pattern.
NonWord 11 Represents a non-word character class in a regular expression pattern.
NonWordBoundary 12 Represents a non-word boundary character class in a regular expression pattern.
StartOfLine 13 Represents the start of a line character class in a regular expression pattern.
Tab 14 Represents a tab character class in a regular expression pattern.
UppercaseLetter 15 Represents an uppercase letter character class in a regular expression pattern.
Whitespace 16 Represents a whitespace character class in a regular expression pattern.
Word 17 Represents a word character class in a regular expression pattern.
WordBoundary 18 Represents a word boundary character class in a regular expression pattern.