Namespace: FluentRegex
Represents all known character classes for regex.
public static class CharacterClasses
Inheritance Object → CharacterClasses
Represents the digit character class [0-9].
public static string Digit;
Represents the non-digit character class [^0-9].
public static string NonDigit;
Represents the word character class [a-zA-Z0-9_].
public static string Word;
Represents the non-word character class [^a-zA-Z0-9_].
public static string NonWord;
Represents the whitespace character class \s.
public static string Whitespace;
Represents the non-whitespace character class \S.
public static string NonWhitespace;
Represents the tab character class \t.
public static string Tab;
Represents the newline character class \n.
public static string Newline;
Represents the lowercase letter character class [a-z].
public static string LowercaseLetter;
Represents the uppercase letter character class [A-Z].
public static string UppercaseLetter;
Represents the hexadecimal digit character class [0-9a-fA-F].
public static string HexDigit;
Represents the non-hexadecimal digit character class [^0-9a-fA-F].
public static string NonHexDigit;
Represents the any character class [\s\S].
public static string AnyCharacter;
Represents the start of line character class ^.
public static string StartOfLine;
Represents the end of line character class $.
public static string EndOfLine;
Represents the start or end of word character class \b.
public static string WordBoundary;
Represents a boundary that is not a word boundary \B.
public static string NonWordBoundary;
Represents the end of string character class \Z.
public static string EndOfString;
Represents the end of string character class \z.
public static string EndOfStringNoLineBreak;